Automation | Testing Program | Drone Team Set Up | Remote Platform Specialists

Multinational Team of Engineers and Pilots
From industrial surveying, in-house manufacturing and design, cinemaphotography specialist and more. Bring us your problem and our engineers and industry specialists will work closely with you to improved decision making.

Bring a new era of autonomous capabilities to your industry

Experts in Aviation
XM2 EARTH was born out of XM2 Aerial which begun from the aerial cinemaphotography industry. Our crew has been on set of Star Wars - The Rise of Skywalker, Bond - No Time To Die and others. Our extensive experiences bring an expertise in remote platforms.

What do We do?
| We are not just consultants |
XM2 EARTH and its employees are in the field of defense, space, mining, energy, and agriculture. Our team understands and uses the technology every day to provide clients with results. We engage with other drone operators in providing our experience and capabilities from our learnings in the field.