Renewable Energy
Inspections at dangerous heights made easy through a high-resolution camera returning data needed for resolutions. Giving people the data for intelligent decision making.
We use our drones to monitor the health of endangered animals, deliver food to animals on the brink of extinction, and survey land for unwanted species of plants/animals.
Civil Engineering
Thermal infrared sensors can detect differential and abnormal heating, providing an early warning to defective components, reducing the risk of coronal discharges.

Mining and Natural Resources
Our drones have aerial imagery that can georeference and ortho-rectified with extreme accuracy, meaning measurements can be taken directly from the drone images.
Data solutions enable better planning, management, and sustainability of our natural environment to cope with climate changes.
Research and Development
We develop custom payload solutions to solve specific use cases. We cater our technology to maximise the input of data to facilitate informed decision making. We have a full in house manufacturing and engineering facility based in Melbourne Australia.

3D modelling using aerial photographs

LiDAR - Light Detection and Ranging
LiDAR projects require an expert who understands the workflow and details of each subsystem and can recognize consistent and accurate data.
We can create 3D point clouds, intensity maps with multiple returns, and full-waveform information for classification. The best uses are for modeling terrains below dense vegetation, forestry, and powerlines